Hey there, welcome to this site. ✌️
- Under Research I describe my research and work.
- Under Links I collect links to various more or less useful sites.
For an overview of my research, have a look at my Google Scholar.
For something like a CV, see LinkedIn.
About me

My name is Pablo, I am a researcher at the intersection of space and machine learning research. Currently I am a Data Scientist in ESA's Science Directorate working on ESA Datalabs. Previously, I was a Research Fellow in ESA's Advanced Concepts Team including a secondment to the national AI institute AI Sweden for Φ-lab@Sweden in Stockholm.
Aside from my research, I write here and care about various topics such as music production, computer generated art and open source and open science.
Opinions are just mine. If anything here sparks your interest, feel free to send me an email at contact at pablo-gomez.net
Looking for a Thesis?
In case you are a student currently looking for a thesis related to my research topics write me an email to pablo.gomez at esa.int
During the last years I have supervised various theses / projects and I find involving students in active research important and rewarding!